Content Overview


PageStudio out of the box allows for the creation of three types of pages:


Additional page types can be created by theme/template developers.


Regular pages

Allows for more flexible content creation using blocks that can be attached almost anywhere, except to the navigation bar and footer.

Blog pages

Like regular pages, these pages allow you to attach blocks to make up your content, but only to certain regions. Their primary purpose is to display a selected collection. Which by default will be built into the [template layout].

Blog article pages

Like regular pages these pages allow you to attach [blocks] to make up your content, and are more flexible than blog pages.


Currently there is a 2MB size limit per video and image files you can upload. Learn more about images by reading the Images page.


We strongly recommend uploading your videos to a platform like YouTube or Vimeo, and others like them, and then use the Video block to display them on your website. Currently there is a 2MB size limit to video and image files you upload.


After you have uploaded your images you can organize them into Galleries. You can then embed the created galleries into your website using the Galleries block.


Blocks are small reusable components that you embed on a page and rearrange, via drag and drop, to present your content. Learn more about Blocks by reading the Blocks page.